The Stabian Villas:
Luxury and in Roman times

Start a journey to discover the “villas of otium” and admire their incomparable beauty, accompanied on this exclusive tour by a qualified local guide specialized in archaeological excavations.

There were many villas d'otium and farms located along the coasts and on the slopes of Vesuvius .
Those were residential buildings of incomparable beauty that we can still admire today, thanks to the state of conservation caused by the volcano’s eruption burial in 79 AD. C.

In today's area of Varano, in the municipality of Castellammare, splendid luxurious villas have been found. They witness, with extreme precision, the easy life that upper-class people led before the tragic event.

The area where archaeologists excavated these architectural complexes must have been very coveted, so much to arouse the envy of illustrious personalities such as Cicero , the buildings enjoyed the view of the Gulf of Naples with Capri and Ischia as a backdrop, with the Lattari mountains behind them.

Tour description

Together we’ll visit two unique mansions, La Arianna’s Villa and San Marco’s.

The Villa di Arianna , so called from the fresco found in the triclinium, is the oldest villa d’otium in Stabia, it dates back to the second century b.C. and has been identified and investigated since 1757. This complex is connected with the plain below through a series of ramps on 6 levels, and is divided into various nuclei.
The rich and refined wall and floor decoration still witness the status of the owners to this day.

The Villa di San Marco , the name derives from an ancient chapel built in the area in the second half of the eighteenth century, this marvel extended for approx. 11,000sqm , and is considered the largest villa d’otium in ancient Campania.
The impressive atrium, the vast kitchen area with a huge hob, the luxurious spa rooms, the pictorial decorations and above all the "Olympic" swimming pool make this villa a jewel not to be missed.

We will be happy to let you visit and relive, through our explanations, the glories of 2000 years ago.

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